Latest Copywriting posts
Learn how to write different types of sales funnel content and polish your copy. Discover techniques used to guide potential customers towards purchase using nothing but words!
Helping People Solve Their Problems – The Ultimate Task of Every Copywriter
Over the years, copywriters and marketers came up with dozens marketing formulas which provide them with a framework they can use to create a copy that converts. Some of them follow those formulas religiously while others like to experiment and mix. One of the most...
Guide to Finding Your Target Audience and Reaching New Customers
Marketing to an unknown audience is like buying a lottery ticket. There is a small chance that your investment makes you money, but it's really tiny. Unlike a lottery, where you risk no more than a few dollars, advertising without knowing and understanding your...
How to Create a Simple Marketing Persona?
Now that you know how to research your target audience and have the necessary data, it’s time to create your buyer personas. What are they and why it’s important to develop them? What Are Buyer Personas? Meet Julie, Matthew and Bob Imagine that you are selling an...